Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Just cute as a button

Cadence is just so incredibly eddible - I could just eat her up, especially when she gives me her lop-sided grin ( then she turns turns to the one side in total coyness). As for today, she is in grave danger of being eaten alive, as she is wearing leggings that have the pattern of girly jeans on then and then a pink long sleave top to finish it off - must not forget to take a photo when she wakes.

Here are a few things that she is now doing:
* Enjoys watching TV, sometimes freakishly turning her body so she can see it
* Holds her own hands, even likes sucking on them
* If I hold a toy with in her reach she reaches out to grab it, but once her hand is out of her sight she lets it go - following th saying 'out of sight out of mind'
* Likes playing pee-a-boo with mommy, but let anyone else try and the bottom lip turns under
* Kicks with great ethusiasim when lying on her changing station, with out nappy on (as is makes a 'doof-doof' sound
* While under her play-gym, she gently bats at the toys and at times even makes coughing sound, I pusume out of frustration, when she can't brind them to her mouth.
* When she wakes and I get her into the feeding position she goes all stif in anticipation - even grabing and holding the boob in place (quite tender of me, might I add).

On the 03/07, the plunket nurse did a visit and Cady weighed 5.06kg (11 lb 2oz) and was 58cm long. So she falls in the 25% for girls, which mean she is a petite little thing - at this stage Maddy was in the 50% for girls. Then again there was a 350g and 4cm difference at birth, Madison being the bigger.

It amazes me to think that around about this time last year I fell pregnant with Cadence and now we can't imagine our lives with out her. It is quite tiring and lonely at times, for me, with two under two, but at the same times the rewards far out weigh all that. It excites me to think of all the wonderful stages I still can look forward to having with her. Greg, Madison and I really love little Cady so very much; Greg and I finally feel complete as a couple, with out two beautiful girls adding so much to 'us'.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The big ol' 12 Weeks

Twelve weeks today my baby girl, Cadence was born, and true to her nickname name: Bemer, she is such a smiler. Her Baloo managed to capture the gorgeous gummy smile of hers on Sunday, so as soon as I get copies of those I'll upload them.

I think Madison is starting to see Cady as a playmate and she even is tring to teach her colours. Yesterday Madison brought her bottle with the yellow cap to Cady and showed her it and said ' yewo'. Then last night Maddy first had a bath with her Mama and then she climbed out and Daddy passed Cady in and Maddy gave her a floaty duck to play with. Cadence loved the big bath and was wide eyed, yet quite relaxed in the water. Soon she is going to have to bath in the big bath as the is about the length of her baby bath and kicks in the side and she ends up bumping her head.

Cady now has a lot more control of her hands and if I sit her in her bouncer chair with the toy bar infront of her she stretches her hands out. The little darling can't quite control them but gets very excited trying to.

I find myself falling deeper and deeper inlove with her everyday - I can't get enough of giving er adorable cheeks kisses and she loves it when her mommy gives her kisses on the mouth. Sometimes I want to squeeze her so tightly - she is such a little muffin (as her daddy calls her). When she battles to go to sleep, she loves dancing with her daddy to the Breeze radio channel - she snuggles into his neck and begins to make baby snoring noices.

We truely do have a beautiful little family and I look forward to everyday!!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

What an eventful week!

Well last week Maddy turned 22mths, Cady had her BCG jabs, all three girls of the house were sick, Daddy gave us a scare - with a trip to the hospital, Daddy had the snip-snip. However, the most wonderful thing also started happening .... Cadence smiles at her Mama all the time and is now beginning to Coo. She has the most adorable voice, not to mention a dashing smile, this week it is my mission to capture her gummy grin with te camera.

Yeasterday I lay her in her little 'playhouse' with dangling toys and she battered away for a little while... Greg caught her smiling one of the times she managed to make contact with the toy. This morning she lay there doing the same thing for about 15-20min, quite happily.

Its like she is becoming a little person instead of this adorable lump that feeds, sleeps, farts and poos.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Poor wee Cady

Aaah ... my poor baby had her immunizations today: there she was: kicking and stretching and then her Mama holds her still while a nasty lady pokes a BIG needle in her little thigh, turns her over and does the same in the other side. I couldn't pick her up quick enough to let her know Mommy loved her ... then she had some MBJ (Magic Booby Juice) to make her feel better.

Shame Maddy was very concerned and didn't like a strange lady touching 'her baby' - got quite upset when Cady started crying and tried to get between the nurse and Cadence. I had to reassure her that Mommy was there and Cady was ok.

Cadence had a good sleep this afternoon and I gave her a whole 2mls of paracetamol - she has gone to sleep in her bed without too much fussing today and is getting so good at putting herself to sleep. Even went into her room, at one stage, to get something and she was awake - But, she fluttered her eyelids and went back to sleep. So encouraging to watch.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Cady is doing so well!

Well, darling number two is such a big girl - she has slept through the night for just about a week ... spending about 12hrs in her bed. This is quite a feat at her age. However, she feeds on average 2 hourly during the day - this gap should start growing soon as her wee tummy can hold more.

Last week, she was weighed by the plunket nurse and was 4kgs exactly and is 52cm long - her big sister, Maddy was 51cm and 3.15kgs, at birth - so Cadence is getting chubby for her length.
Maddy really loves her baby sister and kisses her, hugs her and is always so gentle with her.

Daddy just loves his girls!

Cady has smile a few time ... she has a stunning smile, going to be a heart breaker - however, I'm the only one to have been blessed with her smiles. Every so ofter she coos, it just melts my heart and makes me smile just thinking about it.

Sometime I find it so unreal that I have to health, beautiful girls .... I do love them so!!